“World Voice is British Council’s global project that promotes the use of singing in the classroom as pedagogic tool. In Nepal, the project was started in 2014 with support from the Ministry of Education and the National Center for Education Development (now CEHRD). Over three years (till 2016) World Voice reached more than 300 teachers through a 5-day training model delivered by trainers developed by experts from the UK. A Manual containing curriculum of songs and activities (for primary grades) was published in 2015, subsequent workshops were delivered with the Manual. An evaluation of the project’s activities was concluded in 2019.

The British Council is globally phasing out its World Voice program at the end of March, 2020. As part of the World Voice Legacy Year, the British Council in Nepal aims to produce a series of digital resources (videos) around the World Voice methodology. The videos would be scripted and developed UK and Nepal World Voice Trainers, and is expected to be shot during a 4-day training at the end of February. The documentation will be edited to compliment text resources including the Nepali Manual and the World Voice Handbook and will be hosted publicly for the use of educators, music leaders and students.

The British Council is looking for qualified production company to manage the design and delivery of the video resources. All Request for Proposal (RFP) related documents are available in the 'downloads section' below.

Deadline for submisson of RFP is 12 February 2020.