The Dakchyata: TVET Practical Partnership programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by the British Council and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) over the course of four years, aims to contribute to Nepal's inclusive and sustainable growth through investment in human capital and by creating better employment opportunities.     

The specific objectives are to strengthen and implement more effect policy in the Techincal and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, which is responsive to labour market needs. The programme will pilot an integrated Public Partnership Approach in three key economic sectors  i) agriculture  ii) construction, iii) tourism, offering opportunities for promoting the transition to a greener, climate-resilient, low-emission economy.

The expected results are as follows: 

1.Role of the GoN in the TVET system enhanced and TVET governance improved (Result1);  

2.Quality of the TVET provision and implementation scaled-up and reach out to the most disadvantaged ensured (R2);

3.Innovative Public-Private Partnership models piloted to enhance the relevance, quality and sustainability of TVET provision in Nepal (R3).  

 British Council is managing activities under result 2 and 3 of the programme. 

Result area 1 - Implemented by CTEVT

In line with the CTEVT strategic plan 2014-2018, indicative activities to support CTEVT may include:

•   Upgrading internal systems to improve the management of human resources, financial information, and training resources;

•   Developing and revise curricula as per market needs in close collaboration with the private sector, alongside the development of teaching and training resources, learning materials; 

•   nationwide upgrading of public trainers and of selected CTEVT technical schools and training centres;   

•   strengthening the capacity of CTEVT in partnering with other TVET stakeholders, in particular with the private sector, and enhance relationships with international TVET institutions.



Result area 2 - Implemented by British Council

In each of the three key economic sectors, TVET PP will explore innovative approaches and participatory and sustainable methodologies to pilot sustainable Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models for TVET. This will be achieved through the provision of large scale grants to pilot sustainable local employer and community engagement models. Private sector's participation in planning, provision and financing will add value by making the TVET system more responsive to labour market needs and enriching it with specific capabilities and expertise, innovative approaches and technologies.

Potential applicants will be encouraged to submit proposals for initiatives piloting PPP models, which could indicatively include activities to:

  • Introduce apprenticeship and internship systems to provide TVET learners with work experience;
  • Provide in-service training for current workers;
  • Develop systems to integrate employer experts as part-time trainers or guest lecturers in TVET institutions;
  • Pilot the joint management of vocational schools/centres by public and private sectors;
  • Develop business-school partnership agreements;
  • strengthen the capacity of the formal and informal private sector and TVET stakeholders to serve as partners for Government will also be supported throughout the pilots;
  • Increase the number of inclusive, market-oriented training opportunities reflecting the needs of key industrial sectors and disadvantaged communities;
  • Develop models to improve transition of TVET graduates into the labour market.

The first call for proposals in expected to be launched in late 2017.

Result area 3 - Implemented by British Council

This component aims to provide support to the Government of Nepal in: 

•   establishing a TVET coordination mechanism at national level under the leadership of the Government;  

•   Supporting the TVET sector roadmap and the implementation of a set of reforms which should prepare for a sector-wide approach;

•  setting-up a monitoring panel to:

i)  conduct a comprehensive baseline study at the outset of programme; 

ii) pilot a skills demand and supply information tool in each of the three key economic sectors;

iii)  regularly review TVET reform progress.

•  developing policy guidelines, materials and tools on the TVET practical-partnership approach to guide government agencies, industries, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), providers, development partners (DPs) and other TVET stakeholders;

•  facilitating the dissemination of national and international good practices in different areas of TVET (e.g. governance, planning, financing and delivery); 

•  conducting a major information campaign to raise the status and the attractiveness of TVET across Nepal, promoting a new image of the TVET sector and increasing awareness of opportunities for obtaining employability through TVET. 


For more information, visit Dakchyata's website HERE.

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