As an outcome of the three years partnership with Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSoED) and Connecting Classroom, 44 participants successfully completed a two-day 'Leadership training' delivered by the Department of Education.  Four trainers from KUSoED delivered the workshop to Head teacher, School Management Committee members and parents from 13 schools from two districts of Nepal.

One of the trainers, Laxman Sharma highlighted his experience. “It was an enriching experience to collaborate with people from different walks of life which resulted in  enriched interaction and new ideas generation. The challenge on the other hand was the language barrier and to make our training more effective we integrated grassroots example relevant to their local context.”

 “Today, incorporating international dimension in the local curriculum to develop our students as Global Citizens is very important. We cannot live in isolation”, highlights one of the participating teachers- Krishna Adhikari.

The modules covered during the workshop were ‘Leading on Effective Teaching and Learning, Community Engagement, Pupil Voice, Leading on Effective Behaviour Management, Understanding Staff Motivation and Benefits of International Dimension.

Narayan Achami stressed “Being a parent and attending these kinds of workshops is very fruitful and encouraging for us too. We as parents also play a significant role and moreover now we can raise awareness and urge those parents who still don’t send their children to schools.”

After the workshop, the school head teachers and School Management Committee members from Kavre and Baglung districts are committed and positive towards including ‘International dimension’ into their local curriculum. In addition, the participants shared that the workshop was very interactive and engaging as it connected schools, parents and communities in one learning platform. However, the trainers and participants highlighted that monitoring should be considered in order to be more effective and fruitful on the long run. 

The key objective of the leadership workshop is to help the school leadersin Nepalimprove their professional and leadership skills. As a consequence, it will equip them to strengthen and incorporate international dimension in their respective school curriculum. The partnership with KUSoED targets to reach 150 teachers by the end of this financial year. 

See also